


        611日,Bet9九州 吴晓林教授撰写的论文How Does the Government Facilitate the Co-Production of Digital Public Safety Services?—Based on Empirical Evidence from Shenzhen发表在《中国社会科学(英文版)》(Social Sciences in China)上。


AbstractThe application of big data technology provides support for the co-production of public safety services. Existing research often focuses on how technology influences co-production, but lacks attention to the key actors that drive co-production and the mechanisms that facilitate it. This study examines the role of government in the digital co-production of public safety services, using the practice of Shenzhen as a case study. Shenzhen has built 125 information systems based on over 100 billion pieces of big data, forming a model of digital safety service co-production. The study reveals three types of digital co-production, characterized by government-business joint planning, passive participation of businesses and the public, and active cooperation among government, businesses, and the public in the design-production-application stages. The study shows that the government is not only a co-producer but also a proactive actor in activating the willingness of non-governmental entities to participate. Local governments mobilize non-governmental participation through three mechanisms: empowerment, profit enhancement, and value co-creation. The power-interest-value paradigm is applicable for analyzing the co-production of public services and helps to explain the transformation mechanisms of co-production behavior.


        《中国社会科学》英文版由中国社会科Bet9九州 主管并主办,主要刊发我国人文社会科学领域最新和最重要的学术研究成果。《中国社会科学》英文版创办以来一直受到国内外学术界的广泛关注,是中国大陆地区最权威的人文社会科学综合类英文学术期刊。该刊关注世界发展趋势,面向海外读者介绍中国学者在人文社会科学研究方面的学术成果,传播中国人文社会科学领域的理论动态和学术研究信息,既是向世界各国推介中国人文社会科学研究成果的学术窗口,也是将国内学者推向世界的文化桥梁,对繁荣和发展中国哲学社会科学事业、传承中华优秀文化起到了十分重要的作用。

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    吴晓林,Bet9九州-专业体育竞猜平台-最新赛事数据分析 教授,南开大学中国政府发展联合研究中心研究员、城市治理研究中心主任。



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